Planet_Jeroen wrote:
Hello all,
I'm groing confused over the last few days. I've been around for a while in the UO Emu scene, mostly as lurker, every now and then trying to make a move in the direction of creating my own world.
I finaly made the time to get to it. So I downloaded a hoard of programs and tools, installed the bunch and opened the mapmaking tutorial, followed the steps for Mod9, applying Mod11 names and found myself good to go.
New basic map, island, shitty coast. darn. Went to the forums, found all kinds of nice pictures, explanations and what not more, but they address Z levels that are NOT on the Mod11 color palete.
What I would like to know is the REASON for the Z levels in the palette, and why they are different from the levels used in Mod9, and how that affects the overall look of the world.
I want to know this because I would find it hard to believe that a Mod9 palette would be better then a Mod11 palette, even tho it seems like that for a n00b.
One more thing: The mod9 palette used 'devidable by 5' z levels (5, 10, 15, etc.) The mod11 palette uses smaller step 'dividable by 2' z levels for most terains. Any insights on this ?
Thanx in advance!
Are you my twin?