
World Forge Tutorial for Sphere 55i
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Author:  Supershaun24 [ Tue Jul 30, 2002 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  World Forge Tutorial for Sphere 55i

I found this it seems to work just do what it says and thanks Ryandor
World Forge Tutorial

I. Build your construct.

1. Build your building, decorate, place your trees, or whatever you want in the game.

2. When you are done stand in the center of your building and type:

.serv.export xxxx.wsc 1 xx

where xxxx is whatever you want your file to be named and xx is the radius (in tiles) from your position to the edge of your construction.

3. Now look in your sphere directory and you will see the file that you created.

II. Prepare the file for World Forge.

1. Open your file with Microsoft Word and use the find/replace function on it. In the find field type:

TYPE [0-9a-z_A-Z]{1,}

In the replace field type:

TYPE 255

Press the MORE button on the find/replace tab and select the USE WILDCARDS checkbox. Now hit the replace all button. This will (should/hopefully) find every item type and change it to TYPE 255 which is required for worldforging.

III. World Forge

*Make a backup of your statics and staidx files*

1. Download and install World Forge. As of the writing of this document, the WF site seems to be down, but you can find the program at http://www.uoxdev.com/main.html located under the Files/Misc. Software links.

2. Start up WF. The opening screen will have three red bars at the bottom where you must input the complete path to the file (example: C:\program files\ultima online\statics.mul). The third block is the location of your items file. Do not freak out here. All you need to do is direct it to any items file that you have created with the .serv.export command in sphere. The name of the file can be anything you like, as long as it's extension is .wsc. Once you put this in and it turns green you are ready to do the fun part.

3. At the top right of the screen there is a button called "get static index," push this.

4. Make sure that the TYPE 255 button is selected.

5. Push the Freeze button and wait for your statics to be updated.

6. Go back into the game and .NUKE your construct. This will remove all of the dynamic objects in the area and you will be left with the static objects.

IV. Have fun

I am glad you liked the tutorial

Here are the files your players will need:

This file contains all of the base ground tiles. You can wipe this completely with WF and start again. I highly recommend you use one of the bmp-map converters to create a new map. If you do any modifications to this file at all, your players will have to download it.

My staidx0.mul never seems to change in size so I don't know for sure if your players would require the new one, but WF requires it and it is small, so I just send it along for good measure.

If you decorate one building and freeze it or the entire world, your players will need this file. If you do a normal wipe of this file with WF it will still be large because WF only knocks off the headers. Use dragon to completely clean this file out.

These two files are what you modify when you put a custom multi into the world. If your players don't have a copy they can't see the new building.

Your players will need a copy of this file if you modify any of the artwork in the game, from gumps to static art etc.

I have modified all of these files and playing on my shard requires the download of each one. This is a lot to ask of your players (but it IS worth it) so be prepared for that. There is a way to make patches but I have not done that yet as my shard is still in development.

hey levelseven, one more thing when you start to build a new map:

when you clear your staidx0.mul/statics0.mul with WF, WF will only delete the index entries. that means your statics0.mul file will be the same size after the cleaning (about 20mb) when it really should be 0mb. there's a cool prog at http://www.uocm.de called uosff - static file fixer. dl this, and let it run over your "clean" statics files. it will remove all unused entries, greatly decreasing your statics0.mul filesize. (the statics0.mul for my fully frozen continent - 1500x1000 tiles - is about 1.5mb)

Author:  Ryandor [ Wed Jul 31, 2002 8:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Excellent tutorial.
However, I must stress one thing. When saving in Word, make sure that the file type is text. While it should keep it, sometimes Word does not play nice.

One other thing, it it possible to skip that step. If you select "auto" instead of "type 255" in WorldForge, it will freeze everything as defined in the AutoSelect.txt file that should be in the WorldForge folder.


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