
Map Generator 2 Questions...
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Author:  hungry4knowhow [ Tue May 30, 2006 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Map Generator 2 Questions...

Ok, my question is i have my terrain.bmp and altitude.bmp made, converted to map, but no altitudes show up? Do the altitude colors need to be made in terrain.bmp before making the altitude.bmp? do they need to be made in both? or just altitude.bmp? im using color table from punts forums.

Author:  punt1959 [ Tue May 30, 2006 8:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmm, what color table is that? I did a response over at worldmaker, but let me try here as well.

The colors are not really important, the index for each color is the key (the color itself isn't used, it is just visual for the user, it can be changed).

If one needs swatches, the program will generate them for the common formats (gimp, pal, photoshop), but doing a generate->swatch.

One should use the program in the following order:
0. Ensure the configuratin.xml in the mapgenerator directory has the values you want.
1. Generate swatches if needed
2. Generate a starting terrain.bmp (enter the map size in blocks, terrain.bmp name, and generate->terrain).
3. Edit the terrain.bmp in your graphics program.
4. Generate altitude.bmp (enter the terrain.bmp name, and generate->altitude).
5. Edit the altitude.bmp as needed in your graphics program.
6. Generate a map (enter the terrain.bmp and altitude.bmp file names, then generate->map). At the moment, it will always name the statis/map files as map4.mul, statics4.mul, and staidx4.mul. That is to make Stormcrow's life a bit easier as he makes data. Just rename them to the proper entry. Ensure you have deleted or zeroed out any .dif files you have for the map entry you are using.

Author:  hungry4knowhow [ Tue May 30, 2006 8:48 am ]
Post subject: 

im not sure the exact name of it, but i believe its on top of the second page of the map making forums.

anyway heres my question about the generate>swatch, how do you know which one is say......alt 0, 5, 10, 15 etc....???

Oh and my photoshop trial just died :( guess ill use gimp

Author:  punt1959 [ Tue May 30, 2006 8:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, in the data directory, one will have altitude.xml. That indicates what index is equal to what value. In photoshop, I know the swatches have names associated with them (and I believe gimp allows it as well). PAL format does not.

As for forum uploads, I am not sure if that has been kept current, stormcrow is the final answer on any of this really (I do the easy coding, data stormcrow graciously consented to tackling!).

Author:  hungry4knowhow [ Tue May 30, 2006 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 

how do i see these names associated with the colors in the photo editing program? running my mouse over the color or what?

im a complete newb, i also have no programming knowledge whatsoever. I was spoiled by SPHERE, but now want to be able to customize everything which sphere wont let me do, hence the move to RUNUO

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