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PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:26 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 03, 2003 12:14 am
Posts: 93
* * * * * * * * * * The Present

"What the hell?!?" Aula opened her eyes to total darkness. No faint glow of the moon, nothing at all. Instinctively she reached up her hands to feel around her but immediatelly they hit a surface. She couldnt move more than two inches infront of her. From the pressure on her shoulders she knew there were walls on those sides.

I'm in a box!

Panicking she began fidging around trying to find an exit, but there were none. Aula pounded her fists as hard as she could against the ceiling and floor. "Help me! Please!" She shouted, heart pounding against her chest. The young woman screamed for several more minutes before her voice died down into a whimper, and finally she simply wept. Where am I...why am I here.

I'm going to die...

Aula layed her head down against the cold hard surface behind her, where ever this was, she was laying down. Moving her feet to the corners confirmed that there was no way out down there. No fresh air told the young woman that there infact were no ways out. Sliding her fingers along the floor and surface she flinched as a splinter snagged her left index finger. "Ouch", she mumbled through a shakey voice. Aula lifted her head to the ceiling and took a deep breath in.


Laying her head back down she closed her eyes attempting to calm down. I'm in a box, there is no way out, no holes..or air? The last word stuck in her mind as she realized that this box would eventually run out of air. Remaining calm she thought back to her paladin school days, there had to of been a situation like this during her studies. With some sure way out. Something, anything...nothing. Nope. They never had a course on being stuck in a oak box the exact dimensions of my body...little air...dark...oh my god.

I'm in a coffin!

"Help me! Someone please!" She shouted, her arms and legs kicking and hitting the sides as best she could. I have to get out of here! Aula knew she was in armor of some sort, her personal armor? Sliding one hand over her chest she felt a two handed sword. Not stopping to wonder why someone would put her in a box such as this with weapons she gripped the hilt firmly and felt for the blade. Sheathed, in some sort of fancy piece. Not my normal sheath. But it was covered, no sharp end exposed meant not breaking through the flooring around her feet. Fingers traveled up to the hilt's top. This wasn't a weapon for daily use. The grip was metal, not leather.

Its a ceremonial blade. I've seen these at funerals.

Aula gripped the blade tight and pulled it up as hard as she could hitting the surface above her head. She held the bottom of the sheath with her feet and let the blade slip in and out as she repeatedly hit the wall. I'm not dead! Continually the hit slammed against the wood, little chips falling on her face and shoulders. Someone thinks I'm dead! Harder she hit the surface, a cracking noise that came from the wood brought tears to her eyes. Going to get out of here...

She let go of the hilt, sliding her fingers along her chest armor to the crack. Knees buckled she slid as far down as the tight dimensions of this coffin would allow and ran her fingers along the chipped surface. A good start...wait don't I have... Aula reached down to her hip under one of the plate pieces that protected her hips when in battle. She smiled as her fingers released the holding clip on a dagger. Bringing it up she wittled at the wood moving it left and right attempting to force the crack to widen. Her breathing became ragged, sweat sliding along her eyebrows to the floor. Running out of air... She doubled her efforts with the dagger until a large crack suprised her. The board split in two and pushed forward one side pinning against her shoulder, the other forcing her head against the side. Something poured in hitting her chest and enforcing the pressure of the broken board against her head and shoulder. Her shoulder plate acted as a stopper for what flowed in stopping it effectively.

Aula dreaded what this was, her heart knew and sank but her mind couldn't accept it. She reached along her plate grabbing a piece of whatever had invaded her already limited space and put it to her lips touching her tongue hesitantly.


Her fingers released the dirt letting it roll off her cheek to the floor. She put her hand to her face covering her eyes and started crying. I'm going to die in here. Tears slipped through her palm down across her temple and around her ear..then began stinging. "Ow..." She slide her fingers down around and behind her ear. She stopped crying as the fingers passed down her neck to her shoulder, large portions of the skin torn and missing. I don't...understand... She pushed on the areas of missing skin and could feel damaged muscles, pieces of bone exposed to the air.

Aula spent the next several minutes checking the rest of her body, finding similar areas all over. I dont...what is... her mind couldn't wrap around the condition of her body, she stopped moving and simply stared straight forward. The air thinned out and her lungs stopped working. Her heart stopped pumping, the tears dried up. Aula's skin grew cold.

I am dead.

Aula layed there waiting for the great light, the tunnel, heaven. She smiled slightly. She had lived a good life, surely heaven awaited her.

I have been a good girl.

Heaven never came. Not light, nor pillars of marble. No angels, no cities of glass. Instead she was treated to all the denziens of the earth. Worms, and more. They came in through the dirt crawling along her body, within her flesh. Weeks had passed and she'd long since given up fighting them off. Slowly, she was feasted upon. Her body became a corpse, her memories still intact and alert. Aula found that she could no longer cry and over time her muscles gave into the deteoration that claimed the rest of her body.

She just lay there, dead and thinking. Her mind wandering over her entire life, remembering every little detail. Wondering why heaven had been barred from her. Why she had been condemned to this hell.

I stole that candy from billy when I was five, she mused. And I got my sister in trouble that one time. Blamed it on her. Nothing she could recall that would cast her from that place every paladin swore their lives in service to. She had served loyally for three years, held true to the ideals of the alliance and to stormwind. Rode along side dwarves, gnomes and elves against the evil might of the horde. Many a orc, troll, and tauren had met the sharp end of her blade. And before her time with her fellow paladins she had lived the average life of any child. Grew up with the same friends all through her teenage years.

About the only thing she hadn't faced off against in all her life were the forsaken. A unique variation on your traditional mindless undead zombie wandering the wilderness with vacant staring eyes. The forsaken were intelligent beings of malicious evil intent. Their kind simply wanted all living beings to feel the bite of their teeth, the claw of their hands across flesh. Aula had never faced one of those, not even the normal mindless types under the control of the liche king. They resided mostly to the north, beyond the dwarven lands and swamp regions. The forsaken and their mistress Sylvanna claimed Lorderon and its surrounding lands as their own.

Am I to become one of those?

No, no this has to be different. She let her mind wander on to other things, ignoring the crawling and biting of the bugs and insects that moved within her nose, mouth, and open wounds. Aula thought back to the proudest moment of her life, and also the moment when she first shared her existance with another.

* * * * * * * * * * The Past

"Citizens of Stormwind, honored peoples of Azeroth I proudly present to you this Church's latest graduating class of the Paladin!" The crowd around the cathedral in Stormwind lit up cheering and clapping. Paladin's were the revered protectors of the land and as such the citizens from the capitol and its neighboring villages always came to congradulate their newest defenders. Aula stood proudly in line with twelve other graduates, her ceremonial armor glistening in the mid day sun. I did it! I'm a paladin! She was certain that on one else in the line held a larger grin on their face than her.

One by one each graduate was presented with a certificate which stated their names in large letters along with a detailed well written congradulations and official title of Paladin granted. The speaker called one name at a time, at which the student stepped forward and saluted. Shaking hands they took their diploma and returned to the line. The crowd cheered each student in turn, parents and children were loudest along side friends and teachers. Becoming a paladin was considered to be the second most difficult profession could take on, second only to becoming a mage.

There were of course darker paths one could take. And those paths regularly saw people mysteriously vanishing. Warlocks and Rogues topped that list. But they were the dark paths, something that held no interest to Aula.

Aula's name called she stepped forward and sharply saluted the speaker. Taking the certificate she shook his hand and the crowd lit up for her just as they had for each person in line before her. Loudest in the crowd was Nathan. He stood at the front, wearing his best chain with sword at his waist and shield strapped to his back. "Aula!" He shouted, clapping excitedly!

She stepped back in line staring at Nathan. He crossed his arms on his chest and winked at her. Nathan had never been as hard core as Aula in his dedication to the city and the alliance. He went the route of a fighter, Nathan could wield just about any type of weapon, he enjoyed bows as well as dwarven guns, but his favorite weapons he brought with him this day. The sword and shield. Best tank I've ever fought alongside, Aula grinned. An a capable lover to boot.

The final student stepped back, every graduate saluted the crowd and then they were dismissed. Aula ran forward putting her arms around Nathan's neck and kissed him knocking the man back afew feet. Several farmers next to the couple smiled and walked off towards the dwarven district. "You did it!" Nathan exclaimed.

"Yes, Paladin first rank!" Aula grinned back. She kissed him again.

Nathan picked her up around the waist and spun her in a circle, she laughed and then slid back down to the ground. "Coming to the party?"

"Oh please, its my graduating party heehee! Of course I'll be there!" Aula stated "I have to go change though first."

"I'll be there waiting love."

Aula smiled, poked his nose playfully then walked up the steps entering the church. Stealing one last glance over her shoulder before rounding the hall into the building she watched Nathan head for the bar. He stood out from the citizens by his armor, and being a good five inches taller in height than most helped as well. He vanished around the corner, Aula entered the church.

Large pillars ran down to the main podium, carpet silencing her footfalls as she walked down the main hall. She smiled and nodded her head to passing priests who offered congradulations. "Thank you." She replied with a humble tone of voice as she continued walking. Beautiful stain glass windows showing past defenders of the city, god, angels, and more lined the walls coloring the hall in a multispectrum of color. Aula loved the main hall, she could remain here all day but other things were on her mind.

Aula turned down the right hall and went up a set of stone spiraling steps to the dorms. High fiving a fellow graduate as she passed, Aula unlocked the door to her room and went inside quickly pulling the chest plate straps off letting the armor fall to her bed. Excitedly she unbuckled her leggings as she reached into the closet grabbing a shirt and pants. Aula put them on, jumped infront of her desk's mirror letting loose the blonde ponytailed hair. She shook her head once loosening the hair and put on her shoes. Finally! She headed for the door letting it close behind her.

"Persae!" Aula turned around to find herself staring face to face with her newly assigned captain.

"Sir!" She saluted.

"Relax Aula, we have orders." He smiled as the paper was passed into Aula's hands. She looked the paper over with abit of suprise, read the location and looked up confused.

"Where's the Scarlet Monastary?"

"North, north of Lorderon."

Aula blinked, "Lorderon, as in the surface level to Under city, realm of the Forsaken and Sylvanna?"

"Aye." He grinned. Obviously he was looking forward to these orders and heading north. Aula inwardly sighed, she had spent the last six months in training and schooling of all sorts and wanted to spend some time with Nathan. But she was not in a position to argue with her Captain and simply nodded instead.

"Yes, sir. When do we leave?"

"Tommorrow morning."


"Yes sir."

Her captain smiled, "See you then." and he headed down the hall looking for the rest of his unit. Aula waited until he had rounded the corner before the smile vanished and she leaned against the wall. Tommorrow morning. Looking up from the wall she stared at a cross fixed across from her next to some students door. Give me strength lord, let this not last forever. She touched her forehead, chest, and lastly her shoulders completing her prayer. Putting the orders in the back of her mind she headed downstairs and outside to the pub which was already going full swing.

Aula walked in and was treated to quite a sight. The place was packed. Local shop owners, students, graduates, everyone had come to celebrate and congradulate the fresh graduates. She stepped in and a hand took her by the shoulder to one side where she smiled looking at Nathan's face. "Hey you..."

"Hello there." He smiled back, "Welcome to your graduation party."

Aula wrapped her arms around his neck as he slid his around her waist. As if by cue the local band began playing a slow romantic song and the two started dancing. Seeing this nearby people made room and several others joined in with their partners. "Missed you Nathan."

Nathan pulled her gently against him and held her close dancing slowly, "Whats wrong?" He could see the excitement of the day missing in her eyes.

"I have orders...already."

"When do you leave?"

Aula sighed laying her head on his chest, "Tomorrow morning."

Nathan rested his head against hers, Plans upon plans for the following weeks always had a tendancy of falling apart. Oh well. He smiled, "Then lets make the most of this night."

They both danced through the song and when it ended headed for the bar to celebrate. Joined by her classmates the party waged into the late hours of the night. Toasts and boasts of future deeds rang through the evening. For the two it was a welcome break from what had been a long period of being apart from one another. As the evening waged on and everyone became more and more drunk the typical bar events happened. A fight between two locals over shop location brought in the guards to haul them out. Shortly after that a completely intoxicated gnome decided the bartop was his dance floor and he made good use of it, until the guards hauled him out too. One of Aula's classmates ended up in a corner passed out laying his head on a table, to much to drink. It was one of the best memories of her life.

At the end of the evening, a night which passed all to quickly for Nathan and her's tastes, the bar cleared out one by one. Aula and Nathan leaned on one another taking turns with jokes and laughing. They made their way to his room in a bar down on the trade district and closed the door behind them. Waisting no time they began kissing, hands moving along eachothers bodies in anticipation.

Aula looked into his eyes lovingly, "I have now accomplished every goal I set in my life. The love of a good man, I am a Paladin, only one thing remains that I want more than anything in my entire life."

"Whats that my love?"

"I want to be have a baby..." She whispered into his ear.

Nathan looked into her eyes for a long time, an eternity in her opinion. I shouldn't have said... she thought but was taken off guard when he picked her up in his arms. He nuzzled his nose against hers and then took her into the bedroom. Tommorrow they would part company for however long her mission took, but for tonight dreams would come true.

He says yes!

* * * * * * * * * *The Present

Scratch, scratch, scratch.

Maggots. Aula had spent the last four odd months by her estimation listening to the sounds of the earth and the creatures who dwelled within it. About two months back she had heard foot steps overhead. Someone spent some time there, she thought she could hear crying. Not sure. That person had left and no one had been back. Aula would of protested, screamed for help. Anything. But her body was so decayed, so consumed by the infernal creatures claiming her as home that she could do nothing more than lay still, listening.

I wonder how Nathan is doing.

She had spent quite abit of time pondering her husband over the past few months. She wondered if he still waited in Stormwind for her return, or if he knew of her demise. If he did then he knew more than her. Aula tried as hard as she could but simply couldn't recall how it happened. There were hints in the back of her head, nothing more however. Probably thanks to the critters nesting in my skull. She sighed in her mind and continued listening.

Scritch, scritch.

Rats. They had been trying to get into her coffin for weeks now, apparently the smell of her body was within the range of their senses now and they wanted to join the worms and maggots in the feast that was Aula. Eventually they would work their way around digging and clawing at the wood until they found the hole. Then she would know their company as well. I hope you choke on my innards. Inwardly she grinned.

The sounds of the rats stopped.

Aula listened closely, could hear their hearts beating. Being dead already had shown afew advantages, one of which was her hearing. She could hear a deer silently moving through the bushes over three hundred paces away. She could also see again, though all that could be seen was the ceiling of her coffin. It was a solid shade of grey. Aula wondered if the wood was grey or if she wasn't seeing it in its proper colors. Maybe because of the darkness of my prison. Aula continued listening to the heart beats. They slowed down, almost inaudiable and then just as quickly began racing. The rats fled away from aula's box leaving her confused.

Aula caught a scent through the remains of her nostrils, a rank odor that approached slowly. Two of them, no three. This smell was familiar to her and she didn't know why. Something in her past. The three creatures had no heartbeat, their feet dragged slowly along the surface in slow lines as they approached. All animal life in the area went dead quiet, Aula began to feel nervous again.

One of the creatures stopped over her resting place, the other two moved nearby presumably to other graves. She had caught their scents about a month ago, confirming that she was infact burried in a cemetary of some sort. The three of them stood in place not moving for several minutes. Aula listened for any sign of what they were, any smell, but all she could sense was that they were dead. They rank of smells similar to her own, they had no heartbeat, every living creature within a hundred yards had retreated from the area when they arrived.

The one above her began digging. Aula could hear shuffling sounds of dirt being tossed aside, the one above her was wreckless with the dirt in his determination to reach her. Aula began to feel panick within her soul, This is it. the end. Deeper they dug, the other two working on graves near hers. Aula was powerless to do anything to fend this creature off once he reached her coffin. She had no muscle control, she probably wouldn't even whimper in the slightest when this thing got to her. Aula's lungs having rotted long ago to the point of uselessness.


This is it. Aula prepared herself for death, assuming this wasn't what death was like. Laying in a box for eternity listening to the sounds of the living world as time passed her by. Her coffin shifted slightly and the ceiling groaned. The nails slowly slid out of their long time resting place within the wood making an eary sound, something akin to an eagle but horribly wounded. Suddenly the top of the coffin came loose and was ripped away tossed out of the hole she lied in.

A bright light of day washed over her. Standing infront of Aula was the single most grotesque creature she had ever seen in her life. It had no flesh remaining aside from fur on the hands, feet and head. The bones of this things face, chest, and legs were bloodied. Its hands were claws, stained dark red. Lord protect me... she thought deeply, praying that the end be quick.

But the end didnt come. This thing reached down grabbing her by a shoulder and tossed her out of the coffin onto the grass afew feet away from her resting place these long months. Aula's body landed in a mishapen position, like a broken ragdoll. Her head rested on its side staring over blades of grey grass watching the these things move from grave to grave digging and tossing bodies around and ontop of hers. Grey grass? Her gaze shifted around the cemetary looking at trees, the sky, clouds, everything she could see from her limited view point. Everything was in shades of grey and white. Well everything except these three creatures. A dull blue covered every inch of their bodies.

This is how I will see for the rest of my horrible existance.

Deep down inside, aula cried out at what was happening to her. Her arm was within view, portions of blueish green skin, her elbow joints completely exposed bone. The creatures that had kept her company these past months quickly departed her body digging deep instinctively seeking to get away from her liberator and its two cronies. I'm undead.

A shade of black caught her attention at the edge of the tree line amongst a small pile of rocks. It grew in size as this thing crossed the grass rapidly. The ground around it died almost instantly. She could see within the blackness claws protruding forth, eyes of the fiercest green red glow stared in her direction. Aula wanted nothing more than to run as far and fast as her body would let her. Which it wouldnt. She layed there, fear overwhelming her as it came within range of the pile of bodies.

The creature looked at one corpse off to itself and placed its large clawed hand over the body's chest. It spoke in a screeching deel growl, "The Liche King commands thee, rise in service..." And the body moved. Muscles reattached themselves, tendons clinging to bone. The body reached out its arms steading itself against the earth as it stood silently. The beast pointed north while staring at the newly awakend undead which turned and began stumbling its way down the hill towards the tree line.

Oh my god, thats my future...

Aula begged and pleaded with god praying to not share in that pour souls fate. She watched in a panic as the beast moved from body to body. For some reason she couldn't understand every few bodies, it would stare at the face of the corpse then cast it to a side in a small but growing pile. Eventually it reached her.

I can hear your thoughts. The beast looked directly into her face, peering through her eyeless sockets. She felt as if its gaze clawed and scrapped across her soul. Pain coursed through Aula's very essence, she tried to hide within her own body attempting to flee the beasts eyes. "The Liche King commands thee, rise in service..."

I don't want to, she cried silently. I want to goto heaven.

Heaven is forever forbidden to you. Serve the Liche King in eternity.

Aula continued to resist his growing grip on her soul, slowly winning as his grip weakened. The beast frowned. You are Forsaken. He grabbed her body and tossed it aside with the others. She could hear their inner voices as she was so close to them. They echo'ed his words, forsaken...Aula watched in terror as the creature moved through the last of the bodies performing the same ritual on each in turn. One more stood at his command, the two remaining ended up in the same pile that she had been cast unto.

The beast looked at the three minions that had been doing the digging, "They are forsaken. Let them burn lest they join the ranks of our enemy." It turned and faded smaller until nothing remained of the creature. One of the three stepped forward pulling the straggler bodies into the top of the pile. Aula screamed at her muscles to act, to move. For some reason that lay beyond her comprehension every ounce of her soul knew that flames would mean death eternal. The two who had not moved headed north in the direction of the freshly risen dead, leaving to continue in service to the Liche King.

Aula watched the remaining one grab a large stick and smaller one. He placed them together and began running furiously, faster than she would ever of imagined it capable of moving. Quickly the large stick heated and sparked, the tip bursting in to flame. She could almost swear a smile crossed its face as it began walking towards the pile of Forsaken, torch in hand. No...no...please... She silently begged as the flame grew closer.

Mere inches from her the torch suddenly dropped to the grass, the creature screamed a hollow echo'ed cry as it held its paw back, arrow piercing the palm. Off on the south forest edge three undead emerged, clad in weapons and armor. The one with the bow locked another arrow and let loose planting the flying piece of wood firmly in the creatures shoulder. The monster recoiled in anger then lept forward charging the trio. The second and third undead drew swords and rushed forth quickly laying into the beast felling it into the grass. They continued to stab at it making certain that it would never rise again.

The undead with the bow stepped forward looking at the pile of bodies, he stood tall, loose strands of remaining hair hanging randomly from his head. He notioned to the pile and his companions quickly began collecting bodies over shoulder and in arm. He leaned down looking at Aula, yellow eyes glowing passively. Placing one hand on her head he spoke.

"We...we are forsaken, You and I. Rest."

Aula lost consiousness as he picked her up in his arms. The three undead headed north west into the woods.

I...I can't be forsaken...

* * * * * * * * * * The Past

"Captain, what exactly are the forsaken?" Aula asked as she and seven other paladins walked down the road leaving Southshore. They had spent the evening there in the main Inn. This village was the last stop of humanity and alliance control before crossing into the western mountain range. Into the lands of the forsaken.

"Please, we arent in the city. Call me Jerek. All of you." Jerek smiled. Everyone waited patiently for him to go into more detail on the undead breed that they would soon see all to much of. Aula's question was echoed in each of their minds.

"Yes...Jerek, what can you tell is about them?" Aosi reinforced Aula's question while grinning at her friend. The two had been roomates at the academy training side by side for the status of Paladin. The two young ladies had studied together, trained together, even whispered about boys to one another late in the night when all lights were off and they lay in bed giggling.

"Ahh, yes the forsaken. They are a off breed of your traditional undead." He spoke over his shoulder two the paladins in his charge. He kept his eyes open at all times knowing well the dangers that lie ahead. "They have free will, they speak and think. Quite intelligently as well. They broke free of the Liche King many years back."

"Under the will of Sylvanna?" Aula asked.

"Aye, under the will of the dark lady. You could almost say the underworld is in a state of civil war between the Liche King and Sylvanna. Both sides seeking to rally the newly risen to their own sides against one another. Jerek frowned, "The Liche King's forces are vast, but stupid. Easily dispatched. Sylvanna's however..." His voice trailed off and it became apparent that this conversation was not one that he wanted to continue on.

For the next hour things moved steadily in silence. The paladins keeping their eyes open as the mountain range that marked forsaken lands drew closer. "Ao, think we'll face off against any forsaken?" Aula asked quietly.

"I would imagine so considering how this road passes directly infront of Lorderon Castle underwhich lies Undercity."

Aula nodded and continued talking, "Got my back?"

Aosi grinned, "Thats a given, got mine?"

Aula winked and looked forward watching the path they walked.

"So..." Aosi nudged Aula, "How'd the night go?"


"You didn't stay in the church our last night in Stormwind...heehee!"

Aula blushed abit, "Oh, that. Mmm..." She remembered the long night that had never ended. Nathan and her had gotten no sleep that night, Aula had been a mess the following morning when she returned to the church for pack for the trip, but a happy glowing smiling mess none the less. "He...said yes!"

"OH my god!" Aosi exclaimed wide eyed.

"What what?!?" Jerek looked around sharply eyeing the surrounding countryside. Seeing nothing he looked at the two ladies and shook his head. Several other fellow paladins laughed quietly and the group continued down the path.

Aosi and Aula, both abit red with embarrassment, kept quiet a moment and then walked closer to eachother whispering.

"Don't be so loud Ao!" She lectured through nearly closed teeth.

"Sorry, I'm just...its...congradulations, " Aosi put an arm around her friend in a hug. "I'm so happy for you, When's the baby coming?!?" She grinned.

Aula rolled her eyes with a smirk, "Oh please, we just talked about it two nights ago for crying out loud."

"Yea but...mmm, you had quite a night with him."

Smiling aula nodded, "That we did." Both girls giggled and continued talking amongst themselves. Their conversation continued for hours until the departure of the sun caught everyones attention. Hands on swords everyone kept their eyes peeled as the group passed into the mountain range. All signs of animal life vanished, no breeze passed through the passage. Dark clouds blanketed the sky and the group couldn't help but feel as if their very courage was being challenged by nature itself.

Jerek motioned forward and each paladin proceeded further into Silverpine Forest.The trees around them looked like scared shallow impersonations of the beautifully forested area of Southshore. The branches existed only high up on these pines, their lengths tattered as if something had chewed portions of bark from the trees.

"Sir, where do we make came this evening?"

Jerek kept his attention forward down the path. "Pyrewood."

Aula looked at Aosi who shook her head. She hadn't heard of it either.

Jerek looked over his shoulder with a smile, "Don't worry people, they are allies."

"Alliance?" Aosi asked.

"No, Allies. They remain neutral fighting out a living here in Silverpine."

The group of paladins continued down the path maintaining silent watch of their surroundings. Each one of them inwardly swore that they could feel eyes peering through the tree lines but nothing ever came of those suspicions. Despite the region they were in, despite the fact that six paladins had just pierced into horde territory they met with no opposition.

For the next two hours they walked down the main road. The road if followed would lead directly to the gates of Lorderon Castle, heart of the Forsaken. "Jerek, how exactly will we get to the Scarlet Monastary? I mean isn't it safe to assume that we will bump into undead at the castle?"

"To be honest I'm suprised we havent bumped into them already Aula." Jerek was relaxed now as were the rest of the Paladins. "I would consider this highly unusual activity on the part of the undead in Silverpine if not for it being so to our advantage."

They had long since past the initial passage into this forested region, if a trap had been set surely it would of happened there. The woods around the road had parted further and thinned out leaving much of the surrounding area open and visable.

"Perhaps they are busy elsewhere?" Aosi asked curiously.

"Perhaps." Jerek nodded. "Everyone keep your hands at your hilt just incase though wait....nevermind." He pointed up ahead. Down a offbranching path that traveled down a rather steep hill sat the village of Pyrewood. Everyone brightened up and their pace quickened heading towards the safety of the village. The group of paladins was warmly greeted by the town guard, allowed to enter to the peaceful town. Locals walked along smiling politely in passing as the Jerek led his group to the village center.

"You all go to the inn over there", he pointed across the street. "I'll let the local magistrate know of our presence and intentions." He headed into the town hall leaving the other six paladins to their task. Aosi and Aula ran into the inn hit by the rush of smells and light, Such a nice change from everything outside.

The rest of the evening was spent inside the inn sharing stories with locals over drink and well cooked meat. The overcast sky broke into rain for much of the evening only stopping shortly after midnight. By that time the group were sleeping upstairs sharing one large room with bunks along the sides. Each paladin instinctively slept in gear with sword by their side. Pyrewood may of had its own guard but they were still in enemy territory and protocols demanded

Aula layed quietly in her upper bunk, looking out the window at the overcast sky. The rain had stopped now and she watched as the clouds began to break revealing a clear night sky beyond. Behind the cloud edge merged a full moon.


A loud howl pierced the peace surrounding the village and everyone in the room woke up. Aula glanced at Aosi beside her on the bunk who was wide eyed with hand on sword hilt. A second howl clawed at each persons heart as it echoed through the village. A large crash came from downstairs in the kitchen where the hired help had been preparing the mornings breakfast. Jerek sat up quickly, hand at his short swords hilt. All eyes were focused on him, patiently awaiting orders.

Jerek silently crossed the floor glancing out the window from an angle, keeping himself covered in shadow, "No ones out there..." he whispered.

Aosi sat up on the bed, "Thats a good thing, yes?"

Jerek shook his head, "No guard at the gate, no patrols on the sidewalk, nothing." His eyes went wide and he jumped back as something shot out of a house across the street and vanished in a blur into the smithy. "On your feet paladins!" He ordered through clenched teeth keeping as quiet as possible.

Everyone jumped up drawing weapons, Several closed their eyes in momentary prayer calling blessings or aura's down on them and their group mates. Jerek put a finger to his lips silently saying quiet. Everyone stepped back towards what shadows they could find as more noises were heard downstairs in the main tavern area. Tables knocked over, some glass broken from the sound of it.

Aula stood beside Jerek looking out the window, she paled as that same creature jumped through the shadows from the smithy into the taverns front door, below them. She stepped back turning towards the door.

Jerek also faced the door everyone elses eyes following his. Steps could be heard rising up the steps towards them. Jerek called down an aura of protection on the entire group of paladins, he had nearly twice the rank in experience compared to these fresh graduates, his aura would considerably out do their own individual ones.

Foot steps passed the door once, the candle light shadow from under the door sill briefly blinking out in the creatures passing. Aula drew her two handed sword standing ready. The shadow passed again this time stopping at their door. A low growl could be heard by everyone in the room. Each Paladin took a position within the confines of the room ready for anything. Jerek passed by the window glanced out briefly then turned back towards the door.

"What ever comes through that door graduates...we can han--*" Two furry clawed arms smashed through the glass pulling him out and down to the street below.

"Jerek!?" Aula turned and ran looking out at the street below, Everyone else turned waiting her word.

"Captain?" Aosi whispered, Aula looked around, no body anywhere just broken glass on the street. With everyone distracted the creature at the door smashed in pouncing on the nearest person it saw. The young paladin screamed in terror as he lost his footing hitting a bed post.

Aula turned around and gripped her sword, "Werewolf!" She shouted as she brought her blade swinging at the creatures head. The beast looked up, teeth already covered in blood and smacked the blade off its intended path cutting its paw. The werewolf howled in pain and dropped its victim.

Aosi jumped infront of Aula with shield drawn as the beast brought one large paw swinging in Aula's unguarded right side. The paw smashed against Aosi's shield knocking her back into Aula sending them both to the floor.

The remaining paladins, attention now focused rushed the beast with swords and shields drawn. One of them slammed into the werewolf stunning the creature and the other three continually stabbed at it until the beast whimpered and dropped to the ground.

Aula got up and rushed to the paladin that had been attacked, checking a pulse she shook her head at the others. "Dead." She caught a glimpse of movement and looked up at the window where Jerek stood outside of. Blood trailed down his cheek and forehead, a large paw wraped around his waist. The second werewolf snarled and threw Jerek's body into the room at the young paladins.

Letting out one long solid howl the werewolf then vanished from view leaving the remaining six paladins in shock at Jerek's body.

Aosi shook her head and started for the door, "Lets go! Now!" Everyone grabbed their cloaks and ran down stairs. They got half way across the tavern floor when another howl pierced the air. Followed by another, and another.

" We need to go, now." Aula walked up alongside Aosi. A young male paladin, sweat running down his face ran for the door.

"I...lets...lets go!"

"No, wait!" To late Aula tried to stop him. The paladin got out the door and was hit by another werewolf dissappearing from view. "No!" Aula ran out followed by Aosi and the others. She ran her two handed sword through the wolfs waist and up through his chest as the beast crouched down chewing into its victim.

"Aula!" Aosi ran up beside her pulling her away from the dead werewolf as two more dropped down from the roof. The remaining paladins pulled together and fought them off relying solely on training and courage to see them through.

One by one they were steadily picked off as they worked their way towards the gates, Jerek had been the only one with the ability to resurrect so any who fell, stayed where they dropped. Aula, Aosi and one other paladin, a dwarf by the name of Stips, made it out the gates into the night running through the woods pushing branches aside in their haste. They lost all sense of direction, one simply followed the person infront of them.

Aula stopped fast at staring at the edge of a ravine, complete darkness below. "Whoa!" she cried as she slide down the edge rolling along the ledges side vanishing.

"Aula? Aula!" Aosi stood looking down for some sign of her friend. "Aula!"

* * * * * * * * * * The Present

Aula awoke to darkness, not even the shades of grey that had become her means of perception since dieing. She turned her head to the left and right, more darkness welcomed her. Reaching infront of her she felt a cold smooth surface. Her feet rested against another wall, she felt an all to familiar panic settle in.

Another coffin!

She slammed a fist against the ceiling making a low deep thud. Wait...I can move... She touched her hands to her arms and legs, not finding her ceremonial armor. Cloth shirt from the feel of it, leather feeling pants. She clinched her toes several times.

Am I alive?

"h.h...hhh, Helpp?" She let the word slide from her mouth then enhaled deeply. I am alive! She started banging fist after fist against the ceiling. It was a dream! I just need to escape, explain to my love, Nathan that I am alive! "Help me!"

A sudden jolt of her box held back her fist. She felt herself sliding forward, stone on stone scraping. Aula cried out in shock as she felt herself fall afew feet landing at an angle. The pressure settled at her feet and she heard clicks and locks coming loose. Light pierced her from the right as the coffin was opened. She stared into a bright shade of...grey.

A zombie pulled the torch back, glanced at her for a moment then shoved the coffin lid the rest of the way off to the floor. He gave off something of a grunt and then turned looking at other tombs.

Aula looked around her, torches lined the walls of the mortuary that she had been resting in. She sighed looking herself over. I am dead. It wasnt a dream. Laying still she watched two other undead milling about the room. She feared another arrival of the beast that had spoken to in her head. Feared serving the liche king.

A third undead walked out from a corner, scroll and quill in his hands scribling something down. He stopped at her open coffin and turned his head staring at her. "Well?"

"Well...what?" She replied looking at him nervously.

"Well, are you going to sit there all day or are you going to get up and go up to the surface?"


"Yes, you. I am talking to you. You can't stay down here all day." He lowered the scroll crossing his arms. "This place isnt for your kind."

"My kind?"

He sighed shaking his head. "Forsaken don't remain down here, we have a village abit to the north of this cemetary. Deathknell."

Aula put her hand to her head and felt herself on the verge of crying, "I am dead."

"Yes you are." He looked back at his paper, "Whats your name?"
Aula stared looked up and stared at him blankly.

He frowned. Pointing at his chest he spoke, "Mordo, undertaker Mordo." He pointed at Aula, "You?"


"Not your living name, what is your forsaken name?"

Aula again stared blankly at Mordo. He shook his head and pointed at the only exit to this tomb, "Go that way Aula. Follow the path north to the village. Enter the Church and speak with Shadow Priest Sarvis." He looked her over once more quickly then moved towards another newly opened grave.

Aula leaned forward placing her feet on the floor and stood up. I can walk? She stool still moving her hands about, turned her head this way and that. How can I walk? Aula stepped forward looking for Mordo.

Mordo sighed looking at the confused undead. "Yes. You can walk."

She continued to stare at him.

"Of all the...ok fine here's the skinny, skinny. Your body died in the grave. You are forsaken and as such your mind didn't die. When you were dug up...for whatever reason that is, your body was taken to Undercity and reanimated. So there. You are a walking talking dead corpse. Congradulations." His sigh changed to a frown when she didnt move. He pointed his finger at the exit and snarled.

Quickly she exited the tomb sidestepping from a distance any undead she saw until Aula reached the surface. She looked around seeing rows and rows of tombs. The sky gave no sunlight, a pale pitch of grey blue.

Down the path infront of her she spotted another forsaken walking towards the tomb. She quickly stepped down amongst the grave markers and watched him walk past. He work full armor bow over his shoulder making a faint knocking sound as it repeatedly taped his rear leg plate. He didnt seem to notice her and decended down into the tomb vanishing from her sight. Something's familiar about him.

Aula got up and headed down the path looking about her as she went. Everything was so different from what she had been used to through the twenty two years of her life in Stormwind and its neighboring villages. No birds chirped, no squirels crossed tree branches. A weak breeze struggled to shuffle the tree branches around her to little luck.

I have no life left, nothing to look forward to.

She stared down at the path watching her rotted feet as one stepped infront of the other making scratching sounds against the randomly spaced stones. Her hope drained more so as she entered the gate to Deathknell.

The village felt as dead as her own body. Wood rotted hanging in pieces from the ruined buildings around her. She looked slowly watching undead go about their business. Several guards, villagers from the looks of it, adventurers talking amongst themselves. Watching these people she could only remark that aside from their appearance it would be so easily to mistake this for any human village.

She continud down the path until her gaze focused on the church. Sarvis. She sighed staring at her future infront of her. This is how I will live for the rest of my existance? A large weight sunk down on her shoulders and she felt as if she could collapse here as a lifeless heap and go to heaven.

Can I die, can I go to heaven?

She continued down the path exiting the north side of the village with purpose. She recalled the words that beast had spoken to her previously but refused to accept them. Heaven couldn't be forever forbidden from her.

I am going to die.

* * * * * * * * * * The Past

Aula sat up slowly, looked about her while rubbing a knot on her head. She recalled hearing voices above her, calling her name but they were gone now. Where am I? She slowly stood up, dizziness forcing her to lean against the dirt wall at her side for support. Concentrating she closed her eyes and clinched her fist. Aula spoke ancient words of prayer and then opened her fist placing her now open hand against her chest. A soft yellow glow covered her and she shook her head standing straight up.

Aula took a second glance about her and frowned. She was alone and climbing straight up was not an option. Left or Right. Closing her eyes she started walking down the right path, east as best she could figure. I had fallen down the ledge to my right and I was running north before I fell so walking right should be east she thought to herself as she made her way stepping carefully over rocks and vines.

She eventually cleared the ravine and looked about, several small hills jutted out of the remains of a river long since dried up. Off in the distance she saw a house standing amongst trees with a barn in the distance. Slowly and quietly she climbed up the soft hill covered in grass until she could see the farm entirely. A large clearing of tilled dirt fenced in separated the Barn from the house, the house being closer to her. Aula looked over the field and spotted a human. "Oh thank god."

Aula half climbed half fell over the fence as she approached the man, "Sir I am in need of your assistance, my group and I...." She noticed that he hadn't so much as moved at all the noise she'd made while approaching, "...sir? Are you allright?" She walked upto him concerned.

At her touch he turned around cracking sounds coming from his neck. He was missing one eye, his jaw was offset to the right and one arm was solid exposed skeleton. Aula recoiled in horror stepping back quickly.


What...oh my god, undead, I...

He reached out grabbing her faster than she imagined possible and bit her on the arm, she yelled out in pain hitting him in the head several times until she brok his grip...and dented the undead's skull. He dropped down hitting the ground and Aula grasped her lower arm where he had bit around the armband. She turned at a rustling sound to see four more undead approaching her, some bearing weapons while others simply extended hands in her direction.

"Blessed one protect me!" She called out chanting a heal on one of the undead who dropped to the ground but she didn't have the ability to deal with this many undead at once. Two more came out of the house, a third and fourth climbed over the fence. Where did these things come from?!? Why didn't I see them? Aula drew her two handed sword and began swinging taking the gastly creatures down as fast as she could. She swung her sword in an arc slicing several in two at the waist but for each one she killed two more came out of seemingly nowhere to take the fallen ones place.

Slowly however they overcame her, She screamed in protest when one grabbed her hand while her sword was raised overhead. The undead pulled her back off her feet and instantly a dozen undead swarmed over her pulling at her arms, legs, and head. They bit in tearing flesh from her body. Aula cried out loud for a long time before their continued assault on her body caused her to loose consiousness and death overtook her.

* * * * * * * * * * The Present

"You know, you can't die like that." Dannal Stern smiled to himself walking along the ponds edge. He looked down into water and caught a glimpse of Aula sitting at the bottom of the pond.

Aula waited for death to come to her, so she could die and go to heaven. I died before, those memories have returned to me. I remember the undead, their biting...gnawing... She shook her head pushing such memories away. I'm going to die here and now, I'll one day be with Nathan in heaven, and we will live together in heaven as we were denied so in life.

Dannal smirked, You can't die by drowning and this Nathan will have long since moved on to another love and life with his fellow living mortals.

You can hear me too? Aula looked up staring at the man who crouched at the waters edge. She remembered now where she had known him from. He had saved her from the fire's of the liche king.

Yes I can.

Ah. She stared down at the dirt that her legs settled in waiting for what she realized was a death that wasn't going to come to her easily.

Dannal sat down getting comfortable, The only permanent death for you is by fire.

What if I am chopped into little pieces by a living being? She smirked.

Then you will spend eternity as abunch of chopped up pieces. He shrugged back. Aula looked up suprised at his calm demeaner in reply. She watched his reflection waver with the waters ripple then sighed. Standing up her head surfaced and she stared at Dannal.

"Ahh good, you surfaced." He grinned, "We may be able to communicate like that but its much more intended for long distance between our kind."

"What is death like, is it peace from this horrid existance?"
He looked at her judging her seriousness of this question before replying, "You faced that death two weeks past. What did you feel in that rotting gut of yours?"

Aula recalled back, remembering that zombie who had approached her and other forsaken with a burning torch. Only one emotion came to mind, "Fear. A dread fear."

"Thats right. I can't claim to know what awaits us at the end of the burning ember but I can say that if those fears have anything to say of our afterlife, I will happily remain here on this world, with this life as it is."

Aula climbed out of the water and sat in the grass. She layed down on her side staring off into the distance. She sighed softly to herself, her memories wrapped up in Nathan.

"You know you can never be with him again. He would never accept what you are now."

She closed her hands together under her cheek, took in a deep breath and didn't reply. Dannal shrugged again knowing that these feelings of hers would pass in time. He had seen it before in many a fresh newly dead warrior whom he had trained.

"So, whats your name?"


He smiled, "No, that name is as dead as the person who claimed it as theirs. What is your forsaken name."

She didnt reply.

"You know it, we all know it. It is the first word that appeared in your mind when you awoke in the earthen grave weeks ago. What was it?"

Her hands slid up hugging herself by the shoulders, Aula's legs folded up at her waist as her eyelids closed.

Dannal sighed briefly and got up, "Fine Aula. Remember though that the name is dead. Aula is dead. You are forsaken. Eventually you will accept it, but in the mean time I have a few quests for you back in the village."

She looked up with a blank expression on her face as Dannal got up and walked abit up the hill.


* * * * * * * * * * The Past

One week from the day she died a funeral was held. The weather matched the feelings of all those present, rain and clouds. Stips and Aosi found Aula's body the morning following their separation. They had not been able to persue her all night, werewolves and a sudden presence of undead kept them at bay and fighting.

When day broke they found her body torn and broken. Her armor was scattered all around the field along with the few undead she had taken down in her final fight. Aosi wept for her friend while Stips collected the armor and together they carried their friend home on a makeshift stretcher pieced together from the nearby fence.

Standing over the fresh grave, those two along with Nathan and many friends mourned their friend and loved ones passing.

* * * * * * * * * * The Future

Aula stood on the tree line sheltered in amongst the leaves looking about. She remained crouched down, staring forward her sightless eyes scanning the meadow infront of her. She wore two leather straps across her face the straps crossing her nose covering the empty sockets where actual eyes has once existed.

She sniffed the air, humans. Somewhere in the field there were humans, three of them. Aula turned her head from left to right, seeing the field in shades of grey. Off in the distance she spotted them. She saw them as shades of red, to far however to make out their actual appearance. She frowned slightly.

Aula looked away from them at the small grassy hill with graves dotting it. The grass had long since overgrown the old graves, this cemetary having long since been abandoned to time. Looking down between the markers her gaze passed from stone to stone until she stopped at one in particular.

My grave.

Memories flashed back, she sat down relishing every one as they came to her. Nathan. Aosi. Stips. The good times, the laughter. Pleasant memories. These memories haunted her daily. She always had her love on her mind. Nathan. I wonder if he misses me as much as I do him. She thought, sitting back slowly as she continued to star across the grass. She sighed as memories of her funeral surfaced.

Over time all her memories had come back to her. Details down to the most minut aspect of her entire life. The good and bad. The loves and hates. Being forsaken had its benefits. And it was a curse. She was haunted at all times by her past, her mistakes and doubts. Fears and let downs. She had existed in a state of depression and self doubt these past four years as an undead. Her instructors in Deathnell had gone to great lengths in their attempts to purge the young woman of such memories, to no avail.

I miss Nathan.

Cautiously she looked from the graves to the mortals on the edge. Plenty of space, they will never notice me. She dropped down on all fours and slowly moved through the grass blades. They swayed around and over her protecting Aula from detection as she approached the grave with her name written on it. Laughter made her pause, she lifted her head slightly looking at the three humans in the distance. Watching them for several moments she nodded to herself. Humans doing..human things.

Aula continued on her way slowly and quietly. Moving through the grabe stones she stopped at hers and stared at it. With eternal love, you will be missed, she read the words to herself silently. Nathan had written and personally chisled each letter. He had shed many tears for Aula as she had layn silently in the church's mortuary. I will never love another. Were the final words.

These words had kept Aula clinging to her mortality where many another undead had long since accepted what they were and come to embrace it. Aula fought with those inner demons on a daily basis. Where he fellow forsaken feasted on the stray wandering mortal, she limited herself to livestock.

Aula smiled staring at the tomb and placed a fourth stone just infront of it. One for each year. She sat down in the grass, her head covered from view by another tombstone as she simply sat there. Every year on this day she would come back to this place, visit it for one entire day. She wouldn't move. Aula would reflect on her past, her loved ones, what the future might of been. Children, grand children. These things she would never be able to feel and touch, only in her fantasies and dreams.

More laughter. Slowly Aula turned her head staring between the many blades of grass to the humans. They are interupting my day. She frowned. Silently she rounded the tombstone on hands an feet approaching them. One of them got up and walked off to the tree line, female. Aula moved in close enough and watched curiously.

A basket with food, a cloth layed out on the grass. Ahh, a picnic. Aula smiled, she would simply not break up this. Aula had spent many a day doing things such as this with Nathan. She couldn't do them anymore, but would not prevent another person from enjoying the company of their loved one.

Looking at the remaining two she could now see clearly that one was a child on its back. Parents. Aula thought back to the plans she and Nathan had made with one another four years prior. Plans of children, a house, maybe even grand children. These things she would never experience aside from this one moment watching this couple with child.

The man turned to one side reaching into the basket, Aula's long dead heart twitched within her chest. Nathan. She became excited and inched closer. Her gaze memorized every detail of his face, his eyes, shoulders. She looked over every inch of him longing more in this moment to reach out and touch him than she had longed for anything in her entire life. Aula again felt like she was alive, she imagined that if she could touch him, if he would smile at her then she would live again. That she could shed this undead existance, return to Stormwind with her Nathan. They would live happily ever after. Aula inched closer.

"My love, are you done there yet?"

My love? Aula watched the woman return from the tree line. She smiled as she reached the picnic and kissed Nathan on the lips. Aula felt as if her entire life ended in that moment. My Nathan. She then looked between the two as they both played with the baby. That was supposed to be my baby. A red line trickled out from under the straps covering her eye sockets and her lips quivered.

He left me.

Her eyebrows clinched together, anger apparent. A low gutterlike growl etched up her chest through her vocal cords like a sick animal crazed and ready to strike. Nathan looked up in her direction but she had already silently moved through the grass to the right. Reaching over her shoulder as the couple stared at where she had previously been she unstrapped the harness holding her two handed sword in place and let it slide forward making nary a sound.

He left me.

Without warning she lept forward sliding the long sharp blade through the womans back, Aula trampled across the picknic blanket with no concern for where or what her feet crushed and she pounced on Nathan taking him completely off guard.

She took him by the bottom of his jawbone holding his head firmly to the ground, she looked down at his body watching as Nathan's heart raced. He slid one hand down which she stopped quickly by placing a foot on it digging her toe nails into his flesh.

"W-w-what do you want?" He stared at her face. Aula turned his head without looking in the direction herself having him look at his new found love as she crippled over, life fading from her face.

Last edited by Paigelore on Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:27 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 03, 2003 12:14 am
Posts: 93
"No!" Nathan attempted to wrestle free but she dropped a fist into his gut. He started choking as she turned his head back to her gaze. His eyes caught sight of the picnic blanket, no sound coming from his child. "If you did anyth..."

"With...eternal love you will be missed. I will..never love...another." She spoke in dead tones, ice and cold.

Nathan's face paled and his heart skipped a beat. He looked at her for a moment and then she watched recognition cross his face as he realized who she was.


"Not anymore." She pulled her fist away from his stomach naturally sliding her hand down to her waist pulling a dagger she held it in the sun for a moment, its blade shining brightly before she brought it back down through his throat and skull.

My Nathan.

* * * * * * * * * * The End

Aula returned to deathknell, her lovers head dangling from her closed fist as she entered the village. She passed guards who watched her with curiousity looking at the object in her left hand. Silently she passed her fellow undead, all signs of humanity gone she simply moved along the street approaching the Inn.

"Hello...Aula." Dannal spoke aloud as he watched her walk past the stables.

"Not Aula."

He looked down at the head in her grasp and nodded. Dannal stepped forward walking upto her. She turned her head looking back.

"Who are you?"

"I am Causa."

The warrior trainer nodded approving of her answer, "What are you?"

I am forsaken.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:51 am 
Posting Whore
Posting Whore

Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 6:21 pm
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Location: Colorado Springs, Co.

And....I'm the longwinded......


"So...if crazy people don't know their crazy...does that mean your only sane if your know your crazy?"

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