Sure, Its more based on how big of a shard you are expecting to have realisticly. Most shards today dont get much bigger than 20.. 50 regularly active players, due to the large amounts of shards out there these days, and high turn-over rate.. Only a few actually run long term, and do actually build a playerbase of 100+ people (online at any given time).
Your thinking is good though, plan out your world in a good full scale, not real small, but not overly huge either.. start out with like you say, a good detailed map, with just a few (that doesnt have to mean only 3 or 4) good main interest areas, focus on only one main town, and maybe a couple other very small towns, but with room to grow.
This way in my opinion, you have room to work with later, should your shard become a hit later. You have plenty of landmass to construct a new town, or spawn camp, etc as you need. Rather than having to completly rework your entire maps landmass later.
_________________ Forget what you know, know what you forget.