Hello everyone,
While I am not around as much as I have been in the past I do still tinker with creating maps and graphics for the UO EMU's that I experiment with. In the past I have shared graphics but never any of the maps I toyed with.
Attached is a rough bmp map I call "Land of the Lost" which I am currently playing around with and wish to share with the community. It is by no means finished and will require many hours of work still for those who do not with to wait until I get it a little further along, so be warned.
"Land of the Lost" was done in Dragon Mod9+Plus and will require said program to complete unless you convert it over to another program. The scale is a bit off leaving vast open areas in the tree'd areas and swamps which I will work on narrowing down in the next publish. The basic landmass is however set.
There are the normal jagged north tiles and missing tiles here and there due to my not paying attention while painting that may require patching after the map is compiled. But the design and 10+ hours spent so far will give those "Designer" challenged people a head start.
As a further gift I've enclosed the link to the original graphics package I once offered to the community in the distant past when I was more active.
Hope you enjoy UO EMU's and both of these items as much as I have enjoyed creating them! Share them both as you see fit but please always give credit where credit is due.
http://serpentsmoon.com/images/Serpents ... aphics.rar
Till the next update!
(EDIT: Hey Ry the
URL button don't seem to work. Also would you mind making this a sticky so people can find it a little easier?)
Edit by Ryandor
Actually, there's something else screwy with the url link.. copy and paste the link for now... Stickied...
(Edit: Fixed it, forgot that most host don't like CAP'S! or spaces