
Best Vista review yet...
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Author:  Ryandor [ Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Best Vista review yet...

So Beautiful, So Disturbing
I wake. For a moment, I stare at the ceiling trying to remember something. Something important. Something important happened last night, but the details escape me. Something fascinating yet sinister, like touring the CIA offices. Something exotic yet somehow familiar, like putting hot sauce on meatloaf. I wonder if I have a hangover. I wonder why I am thinking about the CIA and meatloaf. I roll onto my side.

There is a strange woman in bed with me.

A lot of things happen at once. First, I realize that this is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and I am a lucky, lucky man. Second, I realize that this is not my wife, and I panic. Third, I realize that she's awake, has been watching me sleep. Fourth, before I can really react to thoughts 1 and 2, she smiles at me and speaks with a lovely accent I can't quite place: "So. You like new wife, yes? Yes. Up now, I make breakfast."

She gets out of bed and stretches, perfect curves sliding under silky lingerie and momentarily making me forget about breakfast, meatloaf, and whoever it was I was married to before last night. She seems to know this, and smiles at me again, but apparently she's serious about making breakfast. She turns and strides confidently from the room. As she does, I see for the first time the large Microsoft logo splayed across her back. My stomach lurches as I suddenly remember everything.
... http://chalain.livejournal.com/43015.html

Author:  HellRazor [ Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:55 am ]
Post subject: 

That's the first Vista review I've seen that makes me want to masterbate.

Author:  Dian [ Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

YES! And I thought I had really lost it... but now I dont feel so alone! Thats happened to me 4 times in the last 2 weeks :shock:

Odd thing is... The only memories of each time before is, the wife looks exactly the same when I wake up, except for subtle differences.. one's hair would be parted left, rather than to the right like the previous.. the next would have black panties, with red lace.. previous had red panties with black lace. *shrugs* But.. oh well, she's god damn HOT though, every time.

Author:  HellRazor [ Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

We can buy two or three copies of Vista, turn the lights down, and then have a big circle jerk.

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