
Making a bitmap a part of world?
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Author:  Broadside [ Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Making a bitmap a part of world?

Is there a way to make a picture of like amountain with a cave entrance into a part of the world? I have a few bitmap pics i wanted to make a beeter island like ice island but not sure what step to taek on doing so? :?:

Author:  Dev Viperrious [ Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Adding islands are pretty easy, to add onto land is a huge pain in the ass.

You can use UOCopy to add islands to your map at any time. It's pretty straight forward in its purpose though there are several post in the forums on using it.

As for the addition of features to the mainland...I would recommend against it even if you have not started building yet. If you have not started building or added statics then you can simply use Worldforge or one of Punts other map editors and simply add the features to the map. Much easier than trying to blend a mountain into an existing terrain.


Author:  Broadside [ Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I guess i could try something like that. But i would not want to copy the island exactly i would want a new ice island like setting adn have the ability to add mountains and levels of land as i need. I am aware that some of this may be tough but i rather have the ability to do so and will work till i get it if i can get a little help on problems i have questions with on the way. First off i want to be able to go out in open onceand and decide where i want it but How do i figure the coordinates as i want them? Also if using dragon to adjust a bitmap how do i get the numbers it wants for that? I am testing all of this on a test pc so uninstall reinstall is expected i am prepared to work...

Author:  Spudz777 [ Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:51 am ]
Post subject: 

To check a position in an existing map on a running server, all emus have some sort of "where" command that will tell you your current coordinates. Just teleport out to where you want the island (or walk to where you want the mountain) and record that position. Then go into Worldforge and add it or UOCopy and copy it from another map.

As for dragon, which numbers are you talking about, exactly? The coordinates are just the x,y coordinates in the bmp image, which most image editors will tell you. The palette index (color) you need will be determined by the maptrans.txt file.

Author:  Broadside [ Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

# BMP Error : X-Size doesn't fit
# BMP Error : Y-Size doesn't fit
# BMP Error : only 8 bits per pixel supported

That is the error i get trying to make my bitmap a part of the map.. Is it the same with UOCopy where i find a spot that i want map and take the x and y that i am at? Rather is there a good tutorial on how this is done?

Author:  Spudz777 [ Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, it looks like your bmp image isnt' the right size, and it's not an 8-bit image. Dragon won't make a partial map, you have to have the full, pre-ML map. If you're only interested in a small piece to copy into another map then you just draw it in the corner of a full-size bmp, then use a different program to copy it into your actual map. As for the color depth, you need an 8-bit, indexed image.

Author:  Broadside [ Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok i gotya on all but the (As for the color depth, you need an 8-bit, indexed image.) part can you explain to me a bit better on what i need to do to make my bmp like this? The wife and i can get the work done by what your saying yet confused as to what that means??

Author:  Spudz777 [ Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Assuming you're using Photoshop or a clone (I use GIMP), you need to set up your image to use a palette with 256 entries. I'll step you through how to do this with a new image.

1) Create a new image with dimensions 6144x4096
2) Select Image->Mode->Indexed
3) In this dialog, look for a few features
a) an option to use a custom palette (select this and choose any palette, there are a few floating around designed for use with dragon)
b) an option to remove unused colors from the final palette (do not select this)

You now have an image where each pixel is assigned a value from 0-255, and each number corresponds to an entry in the palette you chose. Since there are 256 entries in the palette, and 256=2^8, this is considered an 8-bit, indexed image. Draw your map (or piece of map), compile it with dragon (don't forget to run DragonSP also), and copy the parts you need with UOCopy.

Author:  Broadside [ Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Do i just click save afterwards? I got as far as changing the photograph and all just not sure how to save? It askes to export first but i did not see any export options or where these are exported to.

Author:  Spudz777 [ Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Let me make sure I understand what you're doing... You've got a photograph of a mountain that you want to add to your map. Is that right? What program(s) are you using to draw your map?

Author:  Broadside [ Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I did not draw it i found a pic of maps at a sight and wanted to add a part of one they had and possibly connect them to make an island.

Author:  Broadside [ Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Perhaps i should just stick to copy and try to copy the Ice Island already on. If i do that can i edit it a bit with a photoshop program then add it in?

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