Pallando wrote:
What I'm saying HR is this... when you check the Z level of the given map in InsideUO its NOT 0. Map4 was showing z-90 when standing on plane old grassland. Map3 it was like Z-30. This is in client 6.x ONLY ofcourse
When I had designed a map4 and placed it into my shard, I would walk a step or 2 and either get stuck and not be able to move -OR- I'd pop down to z-90 in blackness. When we investigated it... we had discovered that the OSI z0 lvls for those maps had been moved.
say I think i'm at 500,500,0 on Map3, The client thinks i'm at 500,500,30 and walkin in air.... Depending on the tile im on, the client either won't allow me to walk "off" the edge -or- it always me to walk off and I drop down to the NEW 0, in this case -30. Once down there at the systems 0, i'm in total blackness with obviously no tiles and I'm stuck again.
But as I said... we place new tiles down there at NEW 0 (old -30 or -90 for map4) and i walk around just fine.
Hey I was playing around with this today with the newest client and the newest version of RunUO and I think this problem has been fixed. The altitudes seem to be checking out correctly between "in-game" and "out-of-game" (using tools like InsideUO and Worldforge to confirm the altitude reported in game).
Can anyone confirm or deny?
-= HellRazor =-
Shattered Sosaria is coming!