Here is a small overview of the general map layout currently, in these very early (first week) stages:
Here is a zoomed in view of the general area I've been tinkering with, and which is represented in the first two pictures. The beach/sand is elevated, but I grade it down to Sand 0 right at the waterline about two pixels worth. So it's not a sand/water altitude problem. The water is Water -5 all around the coastline, then Ocean -5 further out. All the grass is Grass 0. Both the sand and grass have coastal problems.
And here are my stunningly craptastic coastlines.
This is all using DragonMod 11, with the color tables. I compile it with Dragon, run DragonSP with all selected, and I unfreeze statics. Occurs fairly quickly, as there isn't much to freeze/unfreeze, really. Then I replace my 3 files (staidx, statics, and map) as necessary, run the server.. and witness the above.
Every time.
Edit: Why the hell don't image tags work? Bah. God hates me.[/url]