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PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 10:57 am 

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...my experience with both betas thus far.

EverQuest 2
Ok I downloaded the client, patched it up etc, etc. The login screen is just like SWG nice simple, etc. I logged into the game. The same music is there at the loading animation, just improved.

Worlds of Warcraft
Holy crap I got in! Those were my first thoughts. Then followed by, holy crap everyone on every board is screaming mad about having to go through fileplanet for this stress test. I like fileplanet so whatever. Ok I finish downloading the zip file. Ziped its 2.6gigs. 30 minutes later its finished unzipping. And thats just to get to the point of installing it. 30 minutes later its installed.

Intro to Character Seleect

EverQuest 2 : Takes you through the invidia popup, SOE's, another one I cant remember, a DELL popup, and then the big everquest letters. Then straight to the character selection screen. No intro video. Bummer. Hope one makes retail.

Worlds of Warcraft : Much faster. Double click on the icon, 3 seconds later the screen goes black. First time you load up you get the intro video which I hear is the same from last years E3. Now everyone everywhere is screaming and rejoicing this as the best video yeet, but I don't see it. Ok awesome graphics, great music. But honestly I got more of a kick out of two other videos made by Blizzard. 1, human and orc fighting in field which is them bombed by them stone guys. 2, wc3 when the two orcs face off against their god. Anyways, nice video then off to main screen. Booming music, neat background, login and password then your off.

Character Select/Creation

EverQuest 2 : Choose your race, male or female. If the race can be good and evil you then get to choose. Good guys go to qeynos, bad guys goto freeport. Then you can customize everything. Ever played SWG? Just like it except for some reason no matter how you adjust any particular aspect of your character they pretty much look like the rest. Only real differences you will immediately notice when looking at your friends ingame would be the hairstyles. Everything else is extremely subtle. You then choose a name and server and your off.

Worlds of Warcraft : Choose your server first. Its separated by time zone and then be server number. So if you have a friend that played in california and choose their time zone you will have to choose west coast time zone then choose the server otherwise you will never even see their server number to begin with. Select your race, simple enough. 8 races, 4 good and 4 bad. No cute little peon race from wc3. Bummed me out to no end but thats life. Male/Female. Then adjust their hair style, skin tone, face, and hair color. Very limited customization here, just the basics. Your name, and then your off.

First Impressions / Tutorial

EverQuest 2 : Ok these guys are SOE aren't pretending you know anything. You are hand walked through a indepth tutorial that teaches you everything from walking to the basics of combat. This tutorial is no doubt the most fun tutorial I've ever played around in. Your on a fairly small ship, single mast, and the ocean waters are rolling and pitching. I just watched the water roll for about 5 minutes heh until I heard the captain call me over. Thats right, he spoke to me. I have to say, EQ2 really has a head start indepth wise over every single other mmo ever in this aspect. I mean speech ingame. Amazing. Very well done, they sound the part, perfect.

I learn how to walk, talk, kill a goblin thing, trade, buy, sell, open chests, the basics. From here you are put on refugee island which is where everyone who choose not to do the tutorial will begin. Nice beaches, some docks, and some high upity up yelling at you to get over to him and talk. This is where you choose your starting profession. Fighter, Scout, Priest, Mage, etc. you get weapons, some food, and then your off.

The questing system in this game is nice and annoying at the same time. Nice in that it gives excellent detail in both the journal screen and in the little square in your upper right corner which keeps tabs on whatever your doing at the moment. Annoying in that it often times dosent give the best details of where the next person you want to speak to is and also that the lovely gold trail that does occasionally lead you often times didnt appear for me. I did notice though that if you dont get a line, turn around abit then turn back in the direction its supposed to be leading you and it always appeared for me then. The quests are nice through out the game. Plenty of combat ones, but also lots that arent. Errand boy style ones will have you running all through Qeynos and Freeport. So many quests that a week into playing my woodelf scout I still hadn't left qeynos and was lvl10 heh.

Anyways, the refugee island is the last major step of the tutorial, you do various jobs, learn about banking, learn about some of your individual class abilities, get to beat up an orc which also introduces you to instanced caves. If you enter it by yourself, your the only player in it. Get a group together for this one as the orc himself has two priest goblins and three warrior goblins protecting him. You can if you choose learn about crafting which I'll go further indepth with later on. Combat goes much more indepth which I'll explain more about later on. All in all a very nice tutorial.

One thing to note however that they don't enlighten the new players on is when you choose your profession you immediately join a channel that is geared towards said profession. They don't tell you how to talk in it though which results in lots of people talking in /ooc or /shout asking how to do so. Simply type /1 and you can talk in it. There, sheesh. heh.

Worlds of Warcraft : Ok the tutorial here is less obvious and abit more lacking. You go through a vid passby of the city you begin in with someone talking to you and bringing your race history upto speed. And of course this is where you get your first taste of the games graphics. This engine is going to be a love it/hate it sort of thing I can tell already. Essentially its the warcraft 3 graphics slightly enhanced. I like it...but after awhile I find myself wandering back to EQ2's amazing graphics engine which has a setting that most computers can't even use yet heh. Back to wow. Looking around you noticed a exclamation mark over a npc's head. There you have it. Thats how easy it is to find quests. Talk to anyone with one of these and you get a quest. When you see the briefing of the quest it includes a description and a reward. Most quests give you a choice of items for a reward along with some cash. These first few quests give you an intro to navigation, combat, combat and noncombat oriented questing, caves, picking up resources, and more. you pretty quickly find yourself building up silver but dont buy anything just yet. Complete all your quests around your starting town and you will suddenly find yourself sporting an entire new outfit with some nice weapons to boot. When you complete a quests objectives usually you will need to return to the giver of the quest for your reward. He/she will now have a gold questionmark over his/her's head. talk to them, and choose your reward.

In all honesty there isn't a whole lot to be said here for this game. Its simple and your 5 year old will have it figured out in a matter of minutes <shrugs> They definitely sought out to appeal to newcommers to mmo's and excel in this instance. And of course all the blizzard fans naturally. But I suspect that if you were to remove the WoW logo from the game it might not sell as well or compete with EQ2 like it is. There really isn't anything to this game that you havent seen elsewhere, the appealing thing though is that no other game has taken all these facets of mmo games and brought it all into one shinny box for you to play with.


EverQuest 2 : Pretty cool actually. Once you leave the refugee island you will immediately be sent to a local inn where you have a nice empty room waiting for you. Its free to purchase and costs 5sp every 7 days to rent. Rejoice, you can have friends visit and hang out in your room!

<glares at ffxi>

There are merchants who sell just about every aspect of homestyle you could want, except for chests to store things in. Currently you cant do that.

Around town you will notice other taverns and even entire houses for sale. In the taverns simply walk around to the rooms and click on a door. it will tell you how much to purchase and how much for rent. Actual houses work the same way but since I never got to go in one I can only hope that the interior of the houses are instanced. Meaning 10 different people can own that same house in the city and have their own interiors to do with as they please.

If you fall behind on rent don't worry about loosing everything inside, I fell behind afew times and it simply wouldnt let me back in my room unless I paid my rent.

Worlds of Warcraft : No housing that I know of though ingame some people have mentioned that its on its way.


EverQuest 2 : Simple enough. Click on something you want to attack. First off a ring around its feet is color coordinated as to whether you can handle it or if it will put a smack down on you. Secondly its name. same color coordination here but also if you see a red border around the name, this creature will agro on you if you get to close. Also when you click on the creature look just below your hit point bar. There is its hp bar, the word solor/group will denote whether you can easily solo this beast. Also note that if the creature is linked to any other creatures you will see a white ring around their feet. This is most often the case when the group word is listed.

Click the attack button or double click on the monster to begin combat. You and the monster will then smack at eachother until one of you dies. You can use your special abilities which brings up the fine art of combos. When I did a slash attack a combo icon appeared mid right on my screen. Several of my other abilities began flashing. I choose one and performed it. Then the first attack I had used begins flashing. I use it, thus completing the combo, and I do a extra big smackdown on my opponent.

When it dies your exp bar goes up. Sometimes you get a chest which is sometimes trapped, and sometimes a man eating chest, and sometimes its just good loot. Go figure :P

Combat in a nutshell, there you go.

Worlds of Warcraft : Combat in reality is similiar between both games. Color coordinated to let you know your chances of survival. Clicking on the combat button begins combat which begins a trading of blows until one of you two dies. You can use skills, etc during combat to gain an advantage.

I cant really think of two much to say on this subject for this game aside from its fast, it works, and I didnt notice anybugs in it aside from the one following annoyance : If a monster attacks you, you dont immediately return the attack. Your character just sits there and gets hit on until you either click attack or you die. Also if you can use a bow and shoot your enemy, this does not constitute the beginning of physical combat. When that monster gets up close you will get the "target is to close" message and then your character will simply stand there looking stupid waiting for you to hit the combat button.

EverQuest : You gain experience through combat, questing, and seeing landmarks of interest. When you level up you get a big flashy pointer that comes out of your character and shoots into the sky. You then immediately gain new abilities and all of your main skills raise immediately. Note thate while inbetween levels your skills will automatically rise as you use them.

At lvl9 I got a message saying I would not be able to progress to lvl10 until I completed my trainer profession quest. I scratched my head thinking "what quest?" Just to notice a new quest popup in my journal with a person to go see. That person has you perform several tasks each of which encompases one aspect of your profession. Example : As a scout when I went to my trainer he had me outinsult an npc(bard), backstab several opponents(rogue), and outright hunt and kill several other opponents(predator). Once all three were finished he sent me on an errand which involved being threatened and showed abit of the politics ingame amongst the factions and npcs of this game. Then I choose between bard, rogue, and predator. I choose predator and then my one final task had me sneak into a warehouse past a bunch of assasins intent in killing someone important in the city. I got upto the leader and killed him then did the sneak thing right back out the door. Walla, lvl10.

You can buy skills as I understand it, but I havent tried it yet. AS stated earlier in this article there are PLENTY of non combat oriented quests in this game, I was lvl10 and had never left qeynos..infact I had only wandered through two zones of the city speaking to every npc I could find. Leveling is abit slower in this game than WoW, and will appeal more to the long term players who want to enjoy the experience while enroute to the top.

Worlds of Warcraft : Same as above pretty much. Fight, Quest, Speak with npcs, find landmarks of interest to gain exp to levelup. Leveling is immediate with new abilities not being given...you have to buy them from a trainer of your profession. Leveling is VERY fast in this game. Which is nice for the time concious player who cant play for 8 hours a day like me :P

This game is also very much soloable. Find something to hard for you, fight some lesser stuff, or complete some other quests and come back to the hard stuff a level or two later only to find its much easier now heh.

EverQuest 2 : Dosent Exist, nuff said.

Worlds of Warcraft : Does exist in two forms. consentual and realm. Consentual can happen anytime you say yes or you challenge someone and they say yes. Realm as I understand it requires a minimum level to participate.

I'm not a big pvp addict so there isn't alot to say here. Though I will say that EQ2 immediately appeals more to me in this aspect since I don't care for pvp. I also noticed a friendlier community of ingame players in EQ2 and none of the l334 gamers that are much more abundant in WoW.

The World

EverQuest 2 : Zoned and instanced for missions. The city zones themselves tend to be small thus requiring zoning several times to get around the city itself. I suspect this to be necessary due to graphics of the game and the amount of players certain npc's will draw around them for quests and whatnot. The outside zones however are huge and sprawling for ever and ever it seems. Top notch graphics are abundant in this game, and speech is also been given to numerous monsters making combat often times hilarious.

Worlds of Warcraft : No loading screens anywhere which is a plus. WoW definitely has its own unique graphics engine which you will either hate or love. I enjoy it myself but after awhile find...something...lacking which then draws me back to EQ2. Don't ask my what it is because I couldnt say since I dont know. But there is something about this game which I can't quite get my hands around. Udunno. <shrugs>


I cant really go into this since I don't really craft to much just yet in either game. I got a taste of crafting eq2 style during the tutorial and found it be be very streamlined, easy to use systemwise, and whatnot. Reminds me of SWG actually. Choose what you want to make from your crafting panel, choose which resources in you inventory you want to use, then make it. There are varing levels of sucess which in turn results in various levels of quality in the product. Note : About 4 days before release SOE broke the crafting system and pissed off have the beta testers heehee. They have since patched 2-3 times a day fixing it.

I havent tried nor do I know how to try to craft in WoW yet. More on this as I figure it out.


Ok Its not completely informed, and its just based on my experiences thus far, but thats what I have to say about that. If I had to choose and could only Play one game I suspect it would be EverQuest 2.

Reasons :
- I like its graphics better
- I dont mind zoning since each zone is top quality
- Speech
- I like its leveling system better, less hassel as far as learning new abilities
- It feels mature, a more adult like player population(due largely I suspect to the lack of pvp)
- The game dosent "hold my hand" heh. Once out of the tutorial you are free. WoW at lvl11 with my hunter still feels like my hands being held by the game heh.

Those are just afew but will say that I can play EQ2 for 8 hours straight, then play some more. I play WoW for 4 hours and find myself wanting to load up EQ2.

But no worries for me, I can and will be playing both :P

If anyone has any specific questions about either game fell free to post them in this thread and I will answer as quickly as possible! :)


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:13 am 

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I just read over my post and sorry if it seems one sided. I have been playing Eq2 for about a month now and have only been in WoW for about a week so my information on WoW is admitedly limited.

I like both games, so there :P

I'll just be spending more time in EQ2, thats all :P

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:13 am 
Dread Pirate
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EQ2 sound awsome

did anyone ever try lineage 2, looks great would like to hear what ppl say

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:38 pm 
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From what i heard lineage 2 isnt that great, but i want to try it.

Shadow of the Void

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 8:22 am 

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thats probably the only mmo i havent tried yet.

way to much pvp for my tastes :P same with guildwars, i messed around in it, liked it but its definitely geared to the pvp consious person so there you go, no interest for me.

guild wars will probably appeal to diablo 2 players. reminds me of it for some reason

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 11:18 am 
Grand Master
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I'm in WoW Open Beta for 3(?) days myself, and I absolutely love it so far :)

There's something which just appeals to me about the game, I don't know what it is...the atmosphere, the setting perhaps. *shrug*

Spent 3 1/2 hour just fishing the other day. ;D

-= Ho Eyo He Hum =-

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 12:40 am 
Dread Pirate
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i remember when fishing in uo was cool, now it bores the life out of me *sigh*

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 6:21 am 

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I remember when fishing first got patched and you could for the first time ever pull up messages in bottles, sea serpents, and random shoes heehee

Suddenly everyone wanted to be a fisherman. I took advantage of it however. About a week prior I started a professional fisherman, before the patch you could gm fishing in about 4 hours. I did just that and when the patch went in I would leave my computer up 24/7 on a boat fishing. My sister would make sure I didnt stop fishing periodically when I was at work.

I was averaging 42 message in bottles a day heehee, I had a little over 2 million gold in about 2 days and that was just from pulling up the chests. That didnt include liquidating the jewels and hunting down the treasure maps in the chests :)

I really wish I could remember that old account...wonder if everything is still there heehee~!

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 10:20 am 
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you lucky punk :)

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 9:02 am 
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Paige, I did the same thing with my fisherman! When they first patched it, you could get tons of bottles and there were no serpents to kill you, so you could just run a macro and get dozens of bottles per day.

I remember:

1. When there were no bank boxes. If you died, you lost everything!
2. When the boat tillermen would tell you stories as you sailed.
3. Beef Jerky made out of people!
4. When the colored ore and ingots patch turned everyone's rare "lump of coal" from the 1997 christmas gift into shadow ore. :(
5. When the only way to get a matching colored set of platemail was to scout all the NPC vendors to figure out which ones had which pieces of which colors.
6. That fiasco when there was no Trammel and OSI thought it would be a good idea to make it impossible to recall from dungeons. No one could go to a dungeon any more, dread lords would recall from dungeon to dungeon in groups of 30-50 and kill everyone.
7. House looting. Mine got cleaned out about 4 times.

-= HellRazor =-
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 10:54 pm 

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ahh yes the good old days.

1. prior to the housing ownership system i fell victim numerous times to people selling me keys to houses for 5-9k only to find out it was a generic useless key.

2. mine next to minoc, players would line the outside entrance with flour bags (since they were outside the cave players inside the cave couldnt pick them up to get through), porting in dragons and watching the newbie player slaying.

3. in the beta days when a bug caused hell demons to spawn everywhere in britain. filled the entire screen.

4. when players in beta decided to protest lag by filing into britishs main throne room, stripping down to underwear and drinking until everyone was throwing up.

5. back when you could throw up from drinking to much

6. the first annaversary christmas server where everyone was either santa/ms clause, or a deer and it was free pvp between the two. we deer controlled vesper and would herd around santa's and force them to walk through our deer portals thus turning them into deer :P

7. fishing patch first day. walking through vesper in certain areas was literally wading through stacks of sandals.

8. after the fishing patch and becomming a millionare when in protest of no open castle placing territory i made a 6 boat house. three long boats, two medium boats, and one small boat. all inner ramps were locked open onto eachoth. the two that were outter were locked. it was my own house heh, i had pictures on the masts.

9. on atlantic server lining up ships from the northern edge of ocello to the southern tip of magincia. locking them all open and making my own bridge.

10. more to follow

i have alot of fond memories of old uo :) the days prior to electronic arts. <misses origin and lord british>

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 10:58 pm 

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11. when you could walk down the pier and see what was on ships, i always made mine look designer cool :) chests and tables and benches. was alot of fun :)

12. when bones uo comics still made comics

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 2:41 pm 
Grand Master
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13. When casting earthquake at Britain Bank was powerful enough to kill everyone on screen!

14. When fireball was so overpowered it was the spell of choice for PK's.

15. When NPC's would tell you "so-and-so is trying to kill me, can you go kill him for me?" Poorly thought out, because "so-and-so" was usually in town and poor unfortunate newbies would get themselves guard wacked trying to complete the "quest".

16. When NPC's would mention magic items being carried by other nearby players to you.

17. Relvinian. What was up with that whole story?

-= HellRazor =-
Shattered Sosaria is coming!

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 5:23 pm 
Dread Pirate
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18. When you ran into 3 PK's who were sitting at a table in the middle of the road and one says "Ok fine I will get this one"

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 8:07 pm 
Grand Master
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19. When PKs used to use chests around moongates and other spots where a player teleports in to block you from escape while they all kill you.

20. You could lure monsters through moongates to bring them to a boxed-in area for your own events and arranging your own spawns for quests.

-= HellRazor =-
Shattered Sosaria is coming!

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 9:09 pm 
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21. when there was no trammel and it was all out chaos!

22. Mining at the mine in Minoc and getting ingots stolen and PKed

Shadow of the Void

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:10 am 

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23. pk road inbetween britain and crossroads where pkers would put out throne chairs and hang.

24. one of those pkers casually walking upto me, looking at my contents and saying "nah, your not worth it"

25. sneaking up behind the group (before /allnames) and stealing one of their chairs heehee!

26. players taming birds and other animals, leaving them in town and watching newbies get guard wacked for attacking them.

27. ocllo. man i missed it. good old days since it was pretty much the only town that newbies didnt have immediate access to thus the player population was usually a good bit more mature.

28. chaos server. what in the hell were the devs thinking when they closed it and made trammel and felucca. not enough pkers on each server to make the pvp side even worth going to.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:11 pm 
Slayer of Fools
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Hey! You guys are COMPLETELY off topic, get back to discussing WoW and EQ2 immediately or...or....or...I'll do....somethin...to ya'all. :P

29. Getting killed in beta, and walking across the water as a ghost to Occlo.

This space for rent.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:59 pm 

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pfft :P

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 7:23 am 
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I think i might try WoW the only thing that bothers me is the characters dont seem very customizable. I looked at a few screens and i saw like 10 of the same guy i was like um.

Shadow of the Void

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 8:43 am 

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your fears are right on

choose your race, choose your profession.

5-6 face types
5-6 hair types
5-6 facial hair types
4-5 skin colors
4-5 hair colors

and your done. this isnt swg, eq2, horizons or any other modern day mmo that lets you change a hundred things. no heigh adjustment, no nose resizing, no stomach adjusters, no breast implant inserters(heehee), straight forward.

when you see another character ingame of your race only differneces will be sex, hair color, hair style.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:50 pm 
Dread Pirate
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i think although game play was limited one of the best character designing was in EVE

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 10:55 pm 

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eve was impressive. but for all its good it was strangled by the tiny portrait window and the fact that portraits only loaded if you requested it

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:44 pm 
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30. Lord British dying during a speech.

Oh, and by the way, the daemons spawning was a Star Long?s anger at the above.  You had to manually turn invulnerability on when you logged in every time, and Blackthorn (Star Long) remembered, but LB forgot after the server crashed due the high population at the speech. When someone cast a fire-field spell, Blackthorn said something like ?That?s the best you can do?? and LB, trying to join in the fun, ran right into it to prove his Godliness, and promptly died. Blackthorn, bewildered and angered, summoned hundreds of daemons. 

Assuming you?re not thinking about the end of Beta, when the same thing happened but server-wide.

31. A house in the dungeon despise.
32. People making their own courtyards out of cheap houses and tents.
33. Tents.
34. NPCs that had something worth listening to (occasionally).
35. Being paranoid about locking the door behind yourself.
36. A dragon harassing Trinsic.
37. Dying the first time from a dog.
38. Waiting for a GM to come tell me how to skin a dead llama that disappeared before he got to me.
39. The fun of the game before trammel.
40. Having my throne stolen while sitting waiting for noobs to PK.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 9:31 pm 

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I've been playing world of warcraft. It's pretty decent, you just have to force yourself to really explore once you hit around lvl 15.

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