PUNT'S UO UTILITY ARCHIVE ------------------------- Archive compiled by HellRazor, with thanks and kudos to punt, who has developed so many UO utilities for the community and shared so much of his source code with us. The archive is organized as follows: 1 - Map Generator 2 : Bitmap-to-MUL program, similar to Dragon and UO Landscaper. 2 - Worldmaker : Utility for direct editing of Map*.mul and statics. 3 - Other Files & Utilities : See list below. 4 - Support Files (DLLs, etc.) : If any of the programs are missing a required DLL, look here. 5 - Archived Support Sites : Punt had 2 support sites at one time. I archived them before they went offline. MAP GENERATOR 2: The mapgenerator2.rar archive contains all the files you need to run the program, as well as the C++ source code. There is also a directory with optional files you may (or may not) find useful. WORLDMAKER: The worldmaker.rar archive contains all the files you need to run the program. The source is in the SOURCE directory. There are also some optional support files in the SUPPORT FILES directory. OTHER FILES & UTILITIES: The following is a brief description of the utilities in this directory. 3D TEST - This is a test program of some type that punt had on his support site. Purpose is unknown. Doesn't seem to install properly with UO 8TH AGE. Includes C++ source code. CARTOGRAPHY MAP MAKER - Utility that allows you to make in-game cartography maps from bitmap files. Includes C++ source code. COPYART - Compares two art.mul/art.idx/tiledata.mul files and merges them into a 3rd fileset. COPYIDX - This utility should merge any two idx/mul type files. DIFFMAKER - Compares two UO maps and produces DIF files. IDXCOMPARE - Compares 2 MUL index files and notes the differences. Includes C++ source code. INOUTUO - A very simple art viewer/importer/extracter. MAP GENERATOR 1 (TERRAINGEN) - This is the first version of punt's bitmap to MUL program. Provided for reference only, use MAP GENERATOR 2 instead. ML MAP EXTENDER - Extends older Map0.mul files to the new Mondain's Legacy size. MUL2BMP - Converts UO maps to UO Landscaper compatible bitmaps. PUNT'S ULTIMA C++ SDK - Source code for a C++ based Ultima SDK library. A forerunner of his VALLEY DLL. RMDIFF - I think this removes map sections from DIF files. UO ART EXTRACTOR - Extracts artwork in MUL files to individual BMP files. UPDATE MAP - Updates all instances of a specific static or tile id in your map with the new tile ids or hue ids that you specify. WORLDFORGE - Edits UO maps directly. This was the program that led to WORLDMAKER. Provided for reference only, use WORLDMAKER instead. Version 91 includes C++ source. WORLDFORGE PATCH - A MUL editor that edits art, terrain, and gumps. SUPPORT FILES: I tried to ensure that each archive has everything it needs for the program to run. However, if you download a utility and it asks for a DLL, look here to see if we have it. ARCHIVED SUPPORT SITES: Punt had two public web sites he used to store projects on. Before he took these offline, I archived the files on them. Some of these may be duplicated elsewhere in the archive. Enjoy! - HellRazor, with gratitude to the author of these programs, punt.